Wim Vandermaesen
Service Manager ICT Business Solutions
The Brussels Airport Company (formerly)

Efficiency in Operations.

Together with FIPLAN and a realistic project plan, we have succeeded in developing the project competently and  smoothly despite demanding basic conditions. In the preliminary phase of the project particularly, FIPLAN provided us with competent support and comprehensive knowledge in order to persuade the various parties involved that the implementation of FLIRT will increase data quality immensely. Thanks to their multi-tiered and longstanding competence in the airport sector, FIPLAN speaks the same language as airlines and handling agents. This has speeded up the launching process and acceptance of the software.

By means of the effective Train-the-Trainer concept, the key users and end users have been very well prepared for  FLIRT. The intuitive user surface simplifies administration and relieves the IT department. Not only does this training concept lead to very high acceptance by end users, it is also the very high stability and performance of the software
which result in full satisfaction.

Finally, a good cost-benefit ratio without any additional costs being incurred and the possibility of integrating airport-specific requests make FLIRT the perfect tool for the collection of comprehensive, standardised, auditable flight event data. From an IT perspective this has given us an enormous boost.